The iPhone 3.1 beta 3 firmware build 7C116a and iPhone 3.1 beta 3 SDK build 9M2808 has been released to iPhone developers. The file size is 307 MB. If you’re a developer, you can head on over to the Apple Developer Central and download it. The beta 2 firmware expires July 28 at 12:00 AM, so now is the time to update! If you’re not a developer don’t download this update, wait until Apple releases the final iPhone 3.1 update.
New features in iPhone 3.1 beta 3:
- Copy and paste videos – You can now copy and paste videos in your e-mails. There is a 15 MB limit for copying/pasting videos or images. This limit is most likely there to save bandwidth usage.
- Tethering counter – If you go to Settings -> Genral -> Usage on your iPhone, you’ll notice Tethering data which shows how much tethering you’ve used. Note: Tethering is not available to AT&T users yet.
- Springboard icons – When you hold down the Springboard icons they no longer vibrate.
- Baseband updated – The baseband has been updated to 05.11.04.
- Camera API additions
- Reminder: If you own a jailbroken iPhone 3GS or an unlocked iPhone 3G/3GS, do not update once the official 3.1 firmware update is out. The 3.1 update will permanently block the ultrasn0w/purplesn0w software unlock. It could potentially block the iPhone 3GS jailbreak as well.