
Droid by Motorola

Written by quickpwn

Verizon and Motorola launched their Droid Does campaign recently, and they are expected to announce details of the new Motorola Droid on October 28. Fortunately for us, Motorola did a mistake and accidentally put up information of the Droid early on their Droid by Motorola website. Now we have all the information about the Droid, except for the price and the release date.

The Droid is supposed to be an iPhone competitor, but all we’ve seen so far is nothing but advertisements and commercials and finally an actual picture of it. It will be the first Android phone to be running the Android 2.0 software.

Motorola has taken down the Droid by Motorola page, but thankfully I saved some screenshots of it. I will be posting specs, pictures, and more details in my next post. Stay tuned! I’m happy with the specs of this phone, but not sure about the look. Do you like how this phone looks? Feel free to share your opinions on it in the comments.

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