App store

Developers: Want to port your iPhone app to Windows Mobile?

Written by quickpwn

If you’re a developer fed up with the iPhone App Store’s ridiculous process or keep getting rejected from the App Store, you may want to consider porting your app to Windows Mobile. Unlike the iPhone’s App Store, the Windows Mobile Marketplace does not require approval, you can just submit your app!

Luke Thompson, a software developer with took on the challenge to port his iPhone app to Windows Mobile. A case study has been published on MSDN. It outlines Thompson’s experience and shows what he went through to port the Amplitude iPhone app to Windows Mobile.

Thompson did face many challenges along the way, but he was still able to port his app. While it may not seem  easy to port an iPhone app to Windows Mobile, as a developer I would still want to learn how to do this because Microsoft’s Windows Mobile Marketplace does not remove apps over silly reasons, and they don’t require approvals unlike the App Store.s

Read: Porting iPhone Apps Case Study (MSDN)

[via Windows Mobile Blog]

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